Efficient Bayesian Inference of Instantaneous Reproduction Numbers at Fine Spatial Scales, with an Application to Mapping and Nowcasting the COVID-19 Epidemic in British Local Authorities. Yee Whye Teh, {Avishkar Bhoopchand, Peter Diggle, Bryn Elesedy, Bobby He, Michael Hutchinson, Ulrich Paquet, Jonathan Read, Nenad Tomasev, Sheheryar Zaidi} {alphabetical ordering}. Paper forthcoming. Website:
Effectiveness and Resource Requirements of Test, Trace and Isolate Strategies. {Bobby He, Sheheryar Zaidi, Bryn Elesedy, Michael Hutchinson}, Andrei Paleyes, Guy Harling, Anne Johnson, Yee Whye Teh on behalf of Royal Society DELVE group {equal contribution}. 2020. Under review.
Lottery Tickets in Linear Models: An Analysis of Iterative Magnitude Pruning. Bryn Elesedy, Varun Kanade, Yee Whye Teh. arxiv:2007.08243, 2020. link.
Reinforcement Learning: an Introduction. Solutions manual. 2018. link.
Timescales of Galaxy Mergers and Satellite Stripping. Master’s Thesis. 2015. link